On Writing and Living

If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.
– Benjamin Franklin (from his Autobiography)

I have following Sandra Foyt’s On Living By Learning blog, for awhile now, because she has a keen knack of accomplishing both the “doing” and the “writing.” When she wrote a post titled 2010 Writing Resolution: Get Published, it caught my attention. It was time to take things to a new level.

In How To Write The SAHM Blogger Resume, Sandra explains how having a blog has given her experience in writing and computer skills that she can put on her resume. She also included some links and tips if you need to brush up your own resume.

Get Published: Start Writing and Establish a Writer’s Platform has an extensive interview with writing teacher Christina Katz about establishing a writer’s platform. What does that mean? Basically, you need to establish an area of professional expertise that gives you both credentials and visibility. At the end of the post Sandra gives us the challenge to write, create a writing schedule, and identify and remove distractions. Let’s do it!

I am really excited about her most recent post, Get Published: 7 Reasons to Diversify Your Writing. I like her ideas to practice more and write faster. Even if you don’t have a deadline, give yourself one. I am a member of a critique group. Having regular meetings where I need to write something good enough for others to read is a great way to create deadlines.

I can’t wait to see how Sandra’s project turns out.
What about you? Do you have writing goals this year?

Ben Franklin must have followed his own advice, because his words are still in print more than 200 years later.

4 Replies to “On Writing and Living”

  1. I’m honored that you selected to profile On Living By Learning! And, I’m glad that you made a connection to Ben Franklin, the long-lived and prolific statesman and writer. When I think about all that he accomplished over a very long and creative lifetime, I’m inspired and emboldened to see what I can do.

    Thank you!

  2. No writing goals, per se, but definitely blogging and website goals. I also enjoy Sandra’s blog. She is an amazing writer and I loved following her travels this past year. Good luck to both of you in your writing goals!

  3. I really enjoyed Sandra’s travels, too. Now you are doing your own travels. Looks like we all make journeys, in one way or another 🙂

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