Insect Detective by Steve Voake and illustrated by Charlotte Voake
Reading level: Picture book (Ages 4-8)
Summary: “Become an insect detective and find out what the insects around you are up to. ” Children are encouraged to listen for a wasp scraping wood from a fence post, to follow ants, to lift a stone, to look closely at a leaf that is hiding a moth, and to count legs.
Illustrations: Pen-and-watercolor
Comments: A lovely book! The text is poetic and the descriptions of different kinds of insects are enchanting. The illustrations are delicate. Underlying the beauty, however, is a solid foundation of factual information and the gentle message to learn to appreciate the wonders of nature around you.
Related activities:
- Insect-related activities are included in the book on pages 28-29.
- Pull out some paper and watercolors and create some Voake-inspired paintings of insects
- Critter Crawl
- Review and activities at SimplyScience
Compatible fiction: Diary of a Fly by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Harry Bliss
Publisher: Candlewick (February 23, 2010)
ISBN-10: 9780763644475
ISBN-13: 978-0763644475

Next title to be reviewed: Bat Researcher by Michael Burgan
I love this book. It’s a perfect one for spring into summer. Thanks for the link, too!
You have so many great science books at your blog.