Middle School Book Tackles Climate Change

Just in time for the UN Climate Summit (and after the hottest summer on record), is a new middle grade book Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age by David Zeltser that brings awareness about climate change by comparing it in a funny way to what our ancestors may have experienced during an ice age.

No one will listen to Lug the caveboy when he says that there is an ice age coming. After all, he spends more time painting cave walls than catching big beasts. After he gets banished, he meets a helpful girl named Echo from another tribe. Will they be able to save his people from the saber-toothed tigers and from freezing?

With a humorous tone and cartoon-like illustrations – similar to some other popular series for this age group – Zeltser pulls off a difficult message without making it too heavy. The story has some other serious themes as well, such as dealing with bullying, being different, and animal rights.

As a scientist who prefers nonfiction, I was a bit disappointed with some of the elements, such as dodo birds running around (they were only found on the island of Mauritius) and Lug being a caveboy (there is a general consensus that our ancestors probably weren’t in caves a lot). For readers who fit the middle grade target audience, however, and who prefer fiction, this book is likely to be a hit.

Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age is perfect for the reader who likes a mix of humor and adventure. It might just strike the funny bone of young readers and at the same time let them see denying climate change for what it is.

Check out the the book trailer for a better feel for the book:

Private note: Thanks to Rowan! 🙂

Age Range: 8 – 12 years
Grade Level: 3 – 7
Hardcover: 192 pages
Publisher: EgmontUSA (September 9, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1606845136
ISBN-13: 978-1606845134

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