

About Roberta Gibson:

I have loved reading since I first learned how. In November 2008, I participated in National Novel Writing Month and I found I was having more fun writing a blog about my experiences (at  My NaNo Writing Blog –archived at It’s A Mystery) than actually writing the novel. That discovery, plus a desire to help children find their own love of reading, led me to start this blog.


I have a STEM Picture book titled How to Build An Insect coming out from Millbrook in April 2021,

Review Policy:


As of July 1, 2020 Roberta is currently on sabbatical from reviewing. She will update this page if the situation changes.


Thank you for taking the time to find out my children’s book review policies.

Here at Wrapped in Foil I specialize in children’s and young adult nonfiction, particularly picture books and middle grade books. I am especially interested in titles that cover:

  • Science (STEM)
  • Nature
  • Gardening/Plants
  • Biographies
  • Art and Artists
  • Languages

I also accept some board book and picture book fiction. Frankly I am mostly interested in books that I think will get children and young adults excited about reading.

I read every book I receive, but I can’t promise to review every one. If I find a book is too full of errors, isn’t well written, or doesn’t fit the theme of the blog, I may not review it. Also, I can’t guarantee how promptly a review will be posted, although I try to turn down book offers if I think I won’t be able to get to it in a reasonable time frame.

I definitely prefer physical copies of the books for a number of reasons. One of the reasons is that my e-reader is on my computer, which is not at all portable.

If you have a book you think I might be interested in reviewing, feel free to send an e-mail to Roberta Gibson, wrappedinfoilblog (at) gmail.com

About the name of the blog:

Although the tagline suggests the name of this blog refers to chocolates wrapped in foil, the name actually comes from an event where the literary – in this case a classic simile- crashed into the literal in my mind. I was reading a nature poem aloud to my family. Fish wrapped in foil were involved. Enough said.

Financial Disclosure:

It is difficult to remain fresh and current when reviewing children’s books without maintaining some contact with publishers and authors. If a publisher or an author provides a review copy of a book for free, I will state that information in the blog post relating to that book.

The affiliate links to Amazon are provided to give the reader easy access to further reviews and additional book information. If you click an Amazon link and purchase a book, I do receive a small percentage of the purchase price as financial compensation. The amount I receive goes towards the price of registering and maintaining the Wrapped In Foil domain. Being an Amazon affiliate does not influence my choice of books to review or how I review them.

I will update this statement as the need arises.

3 Replies to “About”

  1. Hi Roberta.
    Just started with Kidslitosphere and thought to check out the Nonfiction Group with Yahoo! Thanks for posting this and the notification.
    Would it be possible to include my last posting for 14 Cows for America in this list? The link is below. If it doesn’t work that’s ok. I’ll try for next time.
    Thanks for your time.


  2. Dear Roberta,

    What a wonderful blog. I just came across your article about art magazines for children and thought you might be interested to discover ours http://www.bigkidsmagazine.com It is a contemporary creative arts magazine that crosses disciplines and publishes the work of children and artists side by side. We would love your thoughts.


    Lilly and Jo

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