Where Else In The Wild?

Where Else In The Wild? More Camouflaged Creatures Concealed and Revealed is a enchanting combination of poems by David M. Schwartz and his wife, Yael Schy, and photographs by Dwight Kuhn. It is a sequel to their award-winning Where in the Wild?: Camouflaged Creatures Concealed… and Revealed.

In each spread, on the right is a photograph with a creature or creatures hidden inside. On the left is a poem with clues as to the camouflaged critter(s) identity. The photograph page opens as a gatefold and underneath is the same photograph with the background faded to show where the animals are hiding, as well as a full page of information about the animal that has been revealed.

The photographs steal the show in this book. A lot of credit has to go to the photographer for locating interesting animals and finding appropriate backgrounds. That can’t have been easy. Some of the animals are definitely easier to spot than others, but they are all visually appealing.

The first book gathered numerous awards and the second isn’t far behind. Where in the Wild? won the 2008 SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books, as well as the 2008 Animal Behavior Society Outstanding Children’s Book Award. It was also a 2008 Cybils finalist in the nonfiction picturebook category. Where Else In The Wild? More Camouflaged Creatures Concealed and Revealed has been nominated for a Cybils in 2010, and is an Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12.

These books are gaining attention because they are not just fun and informative, they also encourage children to develop their observation skills. Teachers will find the books especially useful because they encompass both language arts and science. See if you can find where one is hiding today!

Where in the Wild?

Reading level: Ages 4-8
Hardcover: 44 pages
Publisher: Tricycle Press; illustrated edition edition (September 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1582462070
ISBN-13: 978-1582462073

Where Else In The Wild? More Camouflaged Creatures Concealed and Revealed

Reading level: Ages 4-8
Hardcover: 50 pages
Publisher: Tricycle Press (October 13, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1582462836
ISBN-13: 978-1582462837

If your children enjoy these books, they might also like the older book How to Hide a Butterfly and Other Insects by Ruth Heller.


Nonfiction Monday is a blogging celebration of nonfiction books for kids. We invite you to join us. For more information and a schedule, stop by Anastasia Suen’s Nonfiction Monday page. This week’s post is at Picture Book of the Day.

Cybils Nominations

October is such a busy month.

Be sure to take time, however, to nominate your favorite children’s and young adult books for Cybil Awards. Nominations are open until  October 15th at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern time). Simply go to the Cybils website, scroll down to the appropriate genre of the book you want to nominate and then follow the simple instructions. Make sure your book was published within the last year, between the dates listed in the rules. (I hope my nomination is going to be considered because it is being released near the October 15, 2010 deadline.)

Not interested in nominating a book? The Cybils website is an absolutely fabulous place to find exciting new books for your age group and interests. The nominated books are the cream of the children’s book world, and you will find some treasures. The good news for busy folks is that the book lists will be finalized at the end of the nomination period and can be viewed at any time in the upcoming months.

Holiday shopping, anyone?

Cybil Judge and New Website

Time to celebrate at Wrapped in Foil blog this week! The good news is pouring in.

Drum roll please: I finished putting up an entire website of Reading Through the States. Last summer I posted a list of children’s books, one for each state. The blog post has been so popular that I decided to create an entire website. It should be useful for people doing state studies, for those who are traveling, and anyone who wants to read their way across all 50 states. If you have any additions of children’s books with strong settings, I’d love to hear about them.

Today the Cybils Non-Fiction Picture Book Panel has been announced. If you go to the Round II judges, you will notice that I’ve been chosen for 2010! I can’t wait for the nominations to start. Be sure to visit the website on October 1 and nominate your favorite nonfiction picture books that were published in the last year.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Nonfiction Monday carnival yesterday. There was a wonderful turnout, and it was nice to hear from old friends and meet some new ones.

Balloons by Teodoro S Gruhl

Day-Glo Brothers Book Wins!

Ta-Da! The winner of the 2009 Cybils award for nonfiction picture book is The Day-Glo Brothers by Chris Barton
 and illustrated by Tony Persiani! (If you are interested in children’s and young adult books, you might want to see the Cybils winners in all the categories.) Day-Glo

The Day-Glo Brothers is about the Switzer brothers, Bob and Joe. Both boys were fascinated by science, probably due to the fact their father was a pharmacist, but Bob wanted to be a doctor and Joe wanted to entertain people. When Bob had a bad accident that kept him confined to home, his brother Joe entertained him by playing around with an ultraviolet lamp (also called a black light) that he had made from instructions out of Popular Science magazine. Joe had a magic show and he was interested in fluorescent paints to develop a new magic trick. After finding commercial uses for fluorescent paints that would shine under ultraviolet light, the brothers continued to experiment until they found a paint that would glow in regular daylight. They had created the “eye-popping” Day-Glo colors found today in products as diverse as highlighters and traffic cones.

One of the great characteristics of this book is the retro-look illustrations that use Day-Glo colors for emphasis. As explained in the back, these colors release an extra amount of light, which makes them glow. Using the colors in the illustrations in contrast to gray tones was a touch of genius.

Another important aspect of The Day-Glo Brothers is the fact that it is a story that hasn’t been written before. Both this book and Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice, written by Phillip Hoose, are about people who have been overlooked in the past, but whose stories deserve to be told. Both have gotten recognition and awards. Hopefully the popularity of these books will be noted and we will begin to see more like them. Perhaps instead of yet another book about the Wright Brothers for example, there might be room for one about the lesser-known but highly-interesting aviator/inventor Glen Curtiss.

Finally, this book is a fascinating glimpse at science and the process of invention. The brothers had an good idea of what they wanted to create and kept at it. They also had a lucky accident, which brought together the elements they needed for success. On top of that, the timing of the discovery coincided with an event (the coming of World War II) when there was a great need for their products. Luck, timing and perseverance led to a successful result.

In a similar way, author Chris Barton has brought together all the elements needed to make The Day-Glo Brothers an award-winning book. Congratulations!

For related science activities, try experiments with things that glow at Growing With Science.

Shirley at Simply Science blog reviewed this treasure back in August.

Thank you very much to the adults and children who worked with me on the Cybils project. You all made this a wonderful experience, and I appreciate your time and talents.

Disclosure:  As a round II Cybils judge, I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes.