Taking a Look at Things That Float and Things That Don’t

Children love to investigate buoyancy, and Things That Float and Things That Don’t by David A. Adler and illustrated by Anna Raff is a perfect picture book to accompany their experiments. things-that-float

Although floating seems simple on the surface, it is actually quite a complex phenomena. Adler walks the reader through the main concepts by relating ideas to common experiences and suggesting questions to test using household materials.

The illustrations by Anna Raff are drawings with sumi ink washes that have been incorporated digitally. They are straightforward, but with enough humorous touches to keep the reader interested, as you can see in this fun trailer:

Things That Float and Things That Don't - by David A. Adler and Anna Raff from Anna Raff on Vimeo.

Things That Float and Things That Don’t is sure to inspire budding scientists to pull out their bathtub toys and investigate floating.

Ages: 4-7
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Holiday House (July 1, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0823428621
ISBN-13: 978-0823428625

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