Best Foot Forward: Exploring Feet, Flippers, and Claws

Best-Foot-Forward-largerWhen I saw Best Foot ForwardExploring Feet, Flippers, and Claws by Photographer Ingo Arndt at Sally’s Bookshelf a few weeks ago, I knew I just had to get my “hands” on it.

What a cool book! It has close-up photographs of the feet of different animals from around the world, shown from underneath, mostly against contrasting black backgrounds. Children will be drawn in by opportunities to guess who belongs to a certain foot (“Whose foot is this?”) and then will be engrossed by the fantastic details of similar feet that have related functions. Yes, one of the things they will find out is that some feet are for climbing, some for running, some are for jumping, and others for swimming. Feet aren’t just for walking.


What kind of animal has this foot? If you see the soft pads and hairs around them, obviously it is an animal that “pussyfoots” around (see answer below).

Pick up a copy of Best Foot Forward and you will never look at feet the same way again!


Bookends blog has Common Core connections

Wildlife Fun 4 Kids has adorable wildlife “feet” slippers you can make for little ones

Matching feet to hand puppets activity (could be easily done with flannel boards, too):



Hardcover: 36 pages
Publisher: Holiday House; Reprint edition (July 1, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0823428575
ISBN-13: 978-0823428571

Answer: This is my cat’s foot on the glass of my scanner. Obviously I couldn’t duplicate the beautiful lighting the photographer used, but using a scanner might be one way to play with this idea.

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Nonfiction Monday is a blogging celebration of nonfiction books for kids. Currently the meme is undergoing a transition, so please leave a comment if you’d like more information.

Today’s round-up is at NC Teacher Stuff.