Glasswings: A Butterfly’s Story

Once again we have the pleasure of participating in a blog tour for artist and author Elisa Kleven’s children’s books.


Today we are sharing Elisa Kleven‘s newest picture book, Glasswings:  A Butterfly’s Story.


Claire, the delicate glasswing butterfly, lives among the flowers and ferns of the forest.

Glass Wings _02_1

(See if you can find all the butterflies. Are there any other animals? How many children are there?)

One day she gets swept up by the wind and deposited in another place.

Glass Wings _06

(Where do you think Claire is?)

Glass Wings _13a - Copy

 Fortunately she finds friends and a small garden to call home, but will she ever see her family again?


(What do you think?)

Tucked into this gentle, delightful story is real-life information, such as

  • Butterflies drink nectar and pollinate flowers
  • Ladybugs eat aphids
  • Pigeons scatter seeds
  • Ants stir up the soil
  • Glasswings migrate, like the monarch butterfly does
  • Even the tiniest garden can be important

Glasswings is a lovely book that will appeal to those who love nature. Hopefully it will inspire others to create resting places for butterflies on their journeys.


See Monarch Watch for information about planting a butterfly garden

For more information about glasswing butterflies, see our sister blog Growing with Science.

You might also be interested in our review of Elisa Kleven’s The Paper Princess.

Glasswings:  A Butterfly’s Story

Age Range: 3 – 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool – Kindergarten
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Dial (April 18, 2013)
ISBN-10: 0803737424
ISBN-13: 978-0803737426


 I wish to thank Elisa Kleven profusely for the use of her illustrations.

Disclosures:  The book was provided for review purposes.

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