Stink Bugs, Stick Insects, and Stag Beetles: And 18 More of the Strangest Insects on Earth by Sally Kneidel
Sally Kneidel knows her insects. In Stink Bugs, Stick Insects and Stag Beetles she gives detailed descriptions of 21 different kinds of insects in a way that is accurate, thorough and appealing. The book has a personal touch as well, because many of the insects are those the author encountered at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica.
The book is divided into parts: insects you will probably find, insects you might find and insects you probably won’t encounter in the United States. Each part contains seven chapters covering individual insects or groups of related insects. The title of the first section of each chapter is “That’s Strange.” Here the author emphasizes an odd fact about that particular insect or group of insects. She adds more punch by using a conservational tone and a bit of anthropomorphism to draw the reader into reading further. Once the reader’s attention is caught, however, the author quickly switches into a brisk, scientific tone. Next the author describes “What They Look Like” in enough detail to help with identification. Realistic drawings assist the reader to recognize each type. The next sections cover “Why Do They Do That” and “Where They Live,” ending with an activity called “ What You Can See and Do.”
One reviewer at Amazon had an issue with Kneidel’s use of anthropomorphism, and also the change of her voice to more scientific tone. Because she consistently used the more conversational tone in only the first section, I thought it was acceptable. Clearly she was using it as a hook. Sometimes we get so caught up in being factual that we forget to make the text exciting to read. How to best achieve the level of interest is open to debate.
I was disappointed, however, because the author never created any over-arching story in this book. It really felt like 21 randomly selected insects, with no connections made or concepts clarified in how insects relate to one another or their overall environment. Anyone could come up with 21 different insects (or other organisms) to write about. It is helpful to have some unifying theme to tie them all together.
Overall this book is a terrific introduction to the wild world of insects for someone who is interested in insects, but not overly knowledgeable.
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Jossey-Bass (June 30, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 047135712X
ISBN-13: 978-0471357124
Nonfiction Monday is a blogging celebration of nonfiction books for kids. For more information, stop by Picture Book of the Day. This week’s post is at In Need of Chocolate.
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