Time to check if your favorite children’s and Young Adult books of 2009 made the cut at the Cybils Website.
For those of you that I have contacted about reading these books, here are the nonfiction picture book finalists. I can’t say anything about them right now, but these would be what I would be sharing. Check the Cybils website link above for more information on each book.
Non-fiction Picture Books
Or if you are looking for books to share with your children, the other genre finalists are some fantastic ones.
Fiction Picture Books
Middle-Grade/YA Non-Fiction
Note: I added Cars on Mars because Amazon won’t make a carousel widget with less than 6 books. Cars on Mars is a good book that didn’t make it as a Cybils finalist.
Finally, Amazon also created a list of Best of 2009 Picture books, although they combined both fiction and non-fiction. Some of the ones on this list couldn’t be nominated for Cybils because of requirements about the date of publication. In any case, it is fun to compare the choices. Only The Lion and the Mouse and The Curious Garden made both lists.
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