How well do you know your children’s book authors? Want to try your hand at some new questions?
Question 7. This author obtained a law degree and practiced law for nine years in order to finance his true passion, writing. On the way to his degree, he did a stint as a “yard teacher.” Who used this experience to write a successful series of books?
Question 8. Following in his father’s footsteps, this author won the Newbery medal only two years after his father won for his own book. Watch what you write about him, he founded the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to English. Who is this author and grammar watchdog?
Question 9. This author credits her bittersweet childhood growing up poor in West Virginia as a source of material for her books. She felt it was both a curse and a gift. Who is this versatile children’s book author?
Let us know what you think.
The answers are now posted.
1. William Golding? author of Lord of the Flies?
The other two I don’t know and I’m going to be ethical here and not Google for the answers! But I am curious about #3!
So what do you think, people? Is using a Google search fair?