Be sure to take time, however, to nominate your favorite children’s and young adult books for Cybil Awards. Nominations are open until October 15th at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern time). Simply go to the Cybils website, scroll down to the appropriate genre of the book you want to nominate and then follow the simple instructions. Make sure your book was published within the last year, between the dates listed in the rules. (I hope my nomination is going to be considered because it is being released near the October 15, 2010 deadline.)
Not interested in nominating a book? The Cybils website is an absolutely fabulous place to find exciting new books for your age group and interests. The nominated books are the cream of the children’s book world, and you will find some treasures. The good news for busy folks is that the book lists will be finalized at the end of the nomination period and can be viewed at any time in the upcoming months.
Holiday shopping, anyone?