It’s all about getting books and children together.
Jenny Milchman over at has a good idea to create a special opportunity to introduce children to books. She has created “Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day” for December 4, 2010.
Seems like a useful way to help support the future of bookstores and enrich your child’s life at the same time.
And if you think this idea is too commercial, remember that many libraries have book sale areas run by volunteers to support your local library. We have found many a well-loved treasure at library sales.
What do you think? If you like the idea, why not spread the word to your friends?
I’d love to hear from you if you participate.
Thank you, Roberta, for discovering the Day! Our hope is that it grows over the years–and bloggers like you have been responsible in a big way for spreading the word.
I wanted to address what you said about the commercial aspect of TYCBD. (Yes, we are so big now, we have an acronym 🙂
First, we are in part *hoping* to support commerce. It could be said that one sign of a healthy community is a thriving bookstore. By putting our bodies (and dollars) there, we are helping communities stay strong.
The second point is a little less dollars and sense. And that is that buying a book of one’s own probably affords a child much of the same experience that Virginia Woolf was identifying when she wrote about women and rooms. A sense of choice. Of power. And of respite.
To that end, will be seeking support from foundations invested in childhood literacy. Our hope is that by next year, children who may never have visited a bookstore will be brought to one on Take Your Child Day, and be able to choose a book for themselves.
Please don’t hesitate to write or put your readers in touch with me with any questions. This holiday is a team effort, and a work in progress.
I appreciate that you took the time to stop by and explain the goals more clearly. I grew up in a small town that didn’t have a bookstore, so I hope this helps people value their local bookstores like I do ours.