The Krakatau Eruption by Peter Benoit
Note: Krakatau is the Indonesian word for the volcano that has also been called Krakatoa
Reading level: Upper Elementary
Summary: Learn about volcanoes by studying the events surrounding the giant eruption of the volcano Krakatau in 1883.
Illustrations: Photographs, maps, and classic drawings and paintings from the 18oo’s
Comments: The use of a question and answer format, and a light tone make this a fast and fun book to read. It is also packed full of facts, history and explanations of geological processes.
Related activities:
- Read about how Krakatau caused blue moons
- Explore the consequences of dust in the air (including beautiful sunrises and sunsets)
- Build a Baking Soda Volcano (Recommended for grades 3-4)
Compatible fiction: The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene du Bois
Publisher: Children’s Press (March 2011)
ISBN-10: 0531289974
ISBN-13: 978-0531289976

Next title to be reviewed: Blueberries Grow on a Bush by Mari Schuh