New Simon’s Cat Book

Sometimes here at Wrapped in Foil we take ourselves a bit seriously with all the nonfiction and science books. Today in honor of summer vacation, we’re going to take a look at something a bit different.

Have you seen the Simon’s Cat videos on YouTube?  If you like the videos, you might be interested to know that Simon Tofield has a new book out called Simon’s Cat: Beyond the Fence.

The videos and books are for cat lovers, as you will find yourself saying, “My cat does that!” The cartoons are appropriate for older children, say 9 and up. Note: A few of the earlier videos contain a bit of physical violence that is probably mild by today’s standards. For example, in one of the first videos the cat hits its owner with a bat.

If you haven’t seen one of the videos, here’s Simon’s Cat in “The Box” as a short example:

The trailer shows a bit of how this new book expands beyond the original Simon’s Cat book.

British author Tofield has added some vignettes with North American animals to the new book to draw in readers from across the pond. Let’s just say that silliness ensues.

If you are looking for something light this summer, give Simon’s Cat: Beyond the Fence a try.

Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (June 2, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446560073
ISBN-13: 978-0446560078

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