Have you heard of Bloggiesta? It’s a series of blogging challenges that are like spring cleaning for your blog and it’s this weekend, March 30-April 1, 2012.
The blurb:
Bloggiesta is a three day event where participants will spend as much time as they can working on fixing all those pesky blog related tasks…. all those things that you think “some day I’m going to clean that up, or change that around, or add that thing!” Everyone will post a “to do” list, or goals they want to accomplish and then all of us will work together to get our lists done. The fun thing is that we can cheer each other on, and learn from each other and have a blast doing it. It’s the perfect time to figure out that something you’ve always wanted to do, but didn’t know how… or to get caught up on reviews, or to fix your labels, or take control of your Reader… or do oh so many other things!
Edit: Check the mini-challenge list for some fabulous blog-sprucing ideas.
I actually have four different blogs (yes, blogging is an illness :-)) and they all need a bit of sprucing up.
As for goals, I’d like to:
- Back up all of them and find a way to create back ups that is easier to do so I will do them more often. Edit: WordPress.org has information about backing up blogs – I am trying out the plugin Online Backup on my blogs – got it installed and it is backing up -Nice!
- Find out to how to make my blogs Pinterest friendly
Joy of Joy’s Book Blog stopped by to let us know about her Bloggiesta Pinterest challenge. If you aren’t familiar with Pinterest, she has a neat how-to-sign-up post and she’ll even help you with an invitation. Check the comments for even more good advice.
See also her link to the Directory of Book Bloggers on Pinterest at The Well-Read Wife.
Looks like adding a “Follow me on Pinterest” button and a “Pin it” might be good ideas.
Easy “Pin it” plugin for WordPress
- Figure out Google Adsense (that says it going to expire this month) and how to use it effectively (as in work at all).
For this blog, Wrapped In Foil:
- I would like do some book reviews that need to be done ASAP. Books, you know who you are!
Edit: The Bluestocking Society has 5 tips for writing better reviews. Did you know there is html code for adding stars to your blog?
Melanie at Melanie’s Musings has 5 tips for getting those reviews done faster. I really need those!
- Create a page/list of language-related children’s books for those studying a foreign language or trying to decide which language to take.
Edit: Charlotte at Charlotte’s Library has an awesome challenge about adding pages to blogs. I did get some research done on this topic.
- Decide if I should make any other pages to help people find relevant posts more easily.
- Figure out how to send my reviews to Goodreads in a timely way (plus a couple of other places) -Wouldn’t it be great if there was an automatic feeder like Networked Blogs sends your posts to Facebook?
Edit: Check Janice at Janicu’s Bloggiesta Goodreads Challenge. She has some great tips.
Comment: I have been wanting to do a better job with Goodreads for awhile, but only had signed up for an account and never really used it. Today I tried to sign in to take part in the challenge. Goodreads immediately created a brand new account for me using my Facebook account and was contacting all my Facebook friends before I realized things were going wrong. It is funny now, but I was frantic for a few minutes trying to stop it. Now I have to try to delete the new account without losing my old one. Sometimes social media is a bit too social.
The good news: I found some new friends.
Has anyone tried writing their review in Goodreads and then publishing it to their blog? How does that work for you?
For Growing With Science:
- Consider whether or not to change the theme. It is an old clunker as far as the comments are in the header, no one knows how to leave a comment, plus the pages aren’t in the tabs correctly. But because it is a clunker, I’m really afraid to try to tinker with it by changing the css. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
- Freshen up the science books for kids page and research more great STEM books that are coming out
Edit: Did a blog post that I have been putting off about this and did some research.
- Organize mystery seeds into one page of pictures with links to answers
Edit: Oh well, this was an epic fail. Turns out thumbnails are too small to see. Well, now I know.
I should also clean up my sidebars
For Wild About Ants:
- Write some of the posts I have been putting off. How about all of them?
Edit: I posted and made a list of seven more topics to post about over the next few weeks.
- Long term: Learn to create videos to add more interest. Oh yes, I guess that would require getting a camera to take videos wouldn’t it?
For Eleven Point Pink:
- Change the focus to gardening as well as photography. Add some new posts and add links to blogroll, etc.
Edit: I did add a new post.
See, setting goals was helpful already. I’m sure as I read through other people’s goals I will think of more things to add to the list.
I’d love to hear from you if you decide to take the challenge, too.
Great list! I’ll be hosting a Pinterest challenge. Watch for it!
Those are extremely ambitious goals for a three day window!! I wish you luck.
I was thinking this will be more like goals for the month 🙂
You’ve got a ton of blogs! I love it! You can totally do all your goals. Everyone works at a different pace, what someone else would take weeks , you can do in a weekend! I’ve got a big list myself! But, it all needs done and I have a toddler so a blogging marathon is perfect. I like to get things organized. Good luck!
I’m always so impressed with people who have multiple blogs like you do. It’s amazing! You look like you’ve got a lot to accomplish, but it all looks doable. Good luck and thanks for joining in Bloggiesta!
Stumped or need more to-do for Bloggiesta? Check out the New Mini-Challenges and the Past Mini-Challenges to find more!
It looks like you’re making good progress!
I have falling in love with Pinterest! I could spend everyday on it and never get bored! So addicting!
Happy Bloggiestaing! Looks like you have a great list 🙂
Looks like you got a lot accomplished, too. Thanks for taking time to stop by.
You are so right about Pinterest. It is addicting (but not as addicting as blogging :-))
Thanks Joy. Some of my progress was simply finding out what isn’t going to work 🙂
Hi Roberta, congratulations on getting so much work done on your blog! I’m glad you’re in Pinterest now, am crazy about it. Love those boards and the gallery of images/photos. 🙂
I had been using Pinterest for a while now and had no idea that I could use it to promote my blog. I added a Follow Me on Pinterest button and a pin it button to my blog and then found out that people had already been pinning from my blog -kind of cool!
Go you for having 4 blogs!!! I find it sometimes overwhelming just maintaining one blog so I give you lots of kudos!!!!
Wow, sounds like you rocked the bloggiesta! (And 4 blogs? I don’t think my blog brain can count that high 🙂 Thanks so much for your encouragement during bloggiesta.