The 48 Hour Book Reading Challenge 2012

It is time again for the 48 Hour Book Challenge, a reading marathon session, coming up next weekend June 8–10, 2012.

This year the sponsor, MotherReader, is asking that reading marathon participants pledge to Reading is Fundamental. First you need to sign-up at MotherReader. Gather your books, from chapter books on up, and decide how much time you want to devote reading in a single 48 hour period during that weekend (there are different levels). Then June 8–10, 2012 read, blog about what you’ve read, and Tweet your thoughts with the #48hbc hashtag.

I participated last year and found myself spending as much time visiting the blogs of the other participants as reading. I found out about some great books and book blogs. It was a blast!

Check out the FAQ’s if you have any further questions.

I’d love to hear what you are reading!

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