If you thought March was a great month for promoting literacy, wait until you see what is on tap for April!
April 1, 2013 kicks off National Poetry Month.
Our favorite event for National Poetry Month is Poem in Your Pocket Day on Thursday, April 18, 2013. Just find a poem and carry a copy in your pocket to share with others. We’ll be featuring poetry-filled books throughout the month to inspire you.
If you need more ideas, here’s a list of 30 ways to celebrate National Poetry Month, one for each day of April.
On April 12, 2013 it is National Drop Everything and Read Day.
What is National D.E.A.R. Day? It’s a great way to celebrate reading and books. At some point in the day, simply drop what you are doing a read a book. Of course, it is even more fun if you join with family and friends.
Next is National Library Week, April 14-20, 2013.
Take time to celebrate the value of libraries, librarians and library workers! Look for events at your local libraries.
We’d love to hear from you about how you are celebrating literacy this month.