Loving Libraries and Giving Books on February 14

The store displays and ads are continually reminding us that February 14 is Valentine’s Day. Did you know Friday is also designated as a day to show your love of libraries and children’s books? Check out these wonderful opportunities:


February 14 has been designated International Book Giving Day. The idea is a simple one, celebrate by giving a child a new, used, or borrowed book. Leave a book in a waiting room, donate to your local library, take a child to a library, anything that will get books into the hands of children. The website has ideas, as well bookmarks and bookplates to print.


Library-ps(Photograph by Raysonho@Open Grid Scheduler/Grid Engine in public domain at Wikimedia)

This celebration dovetails nicely with Library Lover’s Day, which is also February 14. In fact, in some areas February is Library Lover’s Month.

Librarysupport.net says

Libraries are private, non-profit organizations that depend on the support of individuals, corporations, and foundations to help ensure that libraries remain free to the millions of people who visit in person or via the web each year.

What can you do to appreciate your local library? Of course you can donate books, your time and even money.

See How to Love Your Library for more ideas. You might also want to check if your local library has an special events planned for this month.

child-and-books(Photograph by George Hodan at Public Domain Pictures)

Many libraries have mini-bookstores inside that sell used and discarded books to support various projects. Combine both days by buying some of the books and giving them to children!

I’m so jazzed about all this book love that I’m preparing a series of posts about some unusual, unique and special ways people are distributing books to their communities, coming up next week.

Will you join me on Friday by giving books and/or supporting your local library?  If you chose to, leave a comment to share your plans.

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