Young Adult Novel for Teen Literature Day

As part of  National Library Week, today is Teen Literature Day.

As suggested, I chose to read and review a book from the 2015 Best Fiction for Teens list.


We Were Liars gave me mixed impressions on the first reading, so I ended up reading it twice.

The first time I read it, I was busy identifying with the stoic New England way of dealing with problems: “Don’t complain,” “hide your feelings,” etc. Plus, the book is so beautifully written that is was easy to get caught up in the prose. I excitedly created a scenario about what must have happened. When the true ending was revealed, I was already so enamored with my own creation that I was a bit put off.

The second time I read it I allowed the author to gently guide me. The clues were there, as was the foreshadowing, I had just barged through them the first time. Even though the ending was no longer a surprise, it was much more deeply satisfying on the second read.

The conclusion: We Were Liars deserves all the attention it is getting, plus it might just make you a more careful reader.

First reviewed at GoodReads We Were Liars


View all my GoodReads reviews



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