Nominations for Cybils Awards (Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards) are now final. You should go check them out.
If you want to encourage young people to read, the nomination lists are fabulous places to find the best children’s books from the last year, separated by reading level/genre.
If your are a children’s author, comparing lists from past years can help you find out what current trends are in children’s literature. (I see big changes in the nonfiction list compared to last year).
Direct links to the categories:
Easy Readers and Early Chapter Books
Elementary/Middle-Grade Nonfiction * My favorite category*
Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction
Fiction Picture Books/Board Books (Some of the board books are nonfiction.)
Graphic Novels
Junior/Senior High Nonfiction
Middle-Grade Fiction
Poetry (Nonfiction everywhere here, too.)
Young Adult Fiction
Young Adult Speculative Fiction
What are your favorite categories?