Closing Wrapped In Foil Website and Blog Soon

Dear Followers,

I’m sad to announce that it’s time to close up this Wrapped in Foil blog and Reading Through the States website.

I’ve been blogging about children’s picture books since January 2009. A lot has changed over the years. Behind the scenes it has become more complicated and more expensive to maintain a website and blog. For example, each site needs an SSL certificate that costs around $150 for a domain plus subdomain per year. Given I have several blogs and websites, that begins to be costly.

I’m hoping to re-post some of my favorite Wrapped in Foil posts to a Blogger blogspot, Robie Gibson Writes.

You can also find my latest books and updates at Roberta Gibson Writes and It’s A Mystery blog.

I’ll also continue to post on Instagram.

Thank you for following all these years.

Happy Reading,

Roberta Gibson


#Kidlit Smitten with Kittens

For a few minutes of quiet reading enjoyment, try the picture book, Smitten With Kittens by the married team of  Florence Minor and Wendell Minor.

Built around a gentle rhyming text,

Who isn’t smitten
with a kitten’s sweet mew
and all the cute things
that kittens do?

and delightful graphite on paper and digital illustrations of kittens playing and napping, this picture book also includes 10 “Fun Facts” about taking care of and enjoying kittens in the back matter.

Smitten with Kittens would make lovely bedtime reading as well as a useful guide to have on hand before adopting a new kitten. Curl up with a copy today!


There’s a peek inside and a free coloring sheet to download at Charlesbridge.

Reading age ‏ : ‎ 3 – 7 years
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Charlesbridge (March 8, 2022)
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1623541670
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1623541675

Disclosure: An e-ARC was supplied for review purposes by the publisher, Also, I am an affiliate with Amazon so I can provide you with cover images and links to more information about books and products. As you probably are aware, if you click through the highlighted title link and purchase a product, I will receive a very small commission, at no extra cost to you. Any proceeds help defray the costs of hosting and maintaining this website.

Summer 2021 PAL Showcase

This is such a lovely group. I was so honored to be part of the SCBWI Summer 2021 PAL Showcase in July.

My interview starts about 9:50, but if you are interested in finding out about some wonderful children’s book authors, I encourage you to watch the whole thing.

#kidlit for Young Birdwatchers: Who Is Singing?

Today we are thrilled to feature a picture book for young birdwatchers, Who Is Singing? by Janet Halfmann and illustrated by Chrissy Chabot.

Have you ever heard a bird saying Meow or Caw? Did you know what kind of bird it was from the sound it made?

Who is Singing? presents the sounds made by twelve common birds, from cardinals to robins in a fun Q and A format.

For each bird, the first page asks who is making the particular sound?

The answer is on the next page.

The format “Take a bow (name)” and the words for the song repeats for each bird species. Repetition like this helps young readers figure out letters and words — eventually leading them to read fluently — while at the same time they are learning the names and songs of local birds.

In the back, Janet Halfmann has a list of “Birdsong Fun Facts and Notes” for readers who want to learn more. For example, she mentions birds often sing more than one type of song. She also has an activity suggestion to come up with your own words for bird songs you hear.

Who Is Singing? is a perfect introduction to birding that begs to be read aloud. Pick up a copy and before long your budding ornithologist will be talking to the birds.

Related Activity Suggestions

Find out more about the inspiration for the book at Janet Halfmann’s website.

Activity:  Take a bird-listening hike.

Go for a walk around your neighborhood or local park, and keep an ear open for birds. Just listen or you can try to identify the different kinds. Besides gaining an appreciation for your local wildlife, a recent study has shown that listening to bird songs can be good for your health (US News and World Report).

Can’t get outside? Try listening to this video of bird songs of common birds from around the world. You can use it for Janet Halfmann’s suggestion to make up your own words for how bird songs sound.

(I love that they give the common names in many languages. )

For many other bird-related activities, check out the bird activity category at Growing with Science.  And, be sure to check out our growing list of books for young birdwatchers at Science Books for Kids.

Ages:  3-6
Publisher ‏:   ‎ Pen It! Publications, LLC (July 21, 2021)
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1954868375
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1954868373


Disclosure: The book was provided as an electronic ARC  for review purposes. Also, I am an affiliate with Amazon so I can provide you with cover images and links to more information about books and products. As you probably are aware, if you click through the highlighted title link and purchase a product, I will receive a very small commission, at no extra cost to you. Any proceeds help defray the costs of hosting and maintaining this website.