Have you heard of Bloggiesta? It is running this weekend, September 20 through September 22, 2013.
The blurb:
In short, Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing. Our awesome mascot Pedro (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize) is ready to break out the nachos, enchiladas, drinks, mariachi music and whack a pinata or two! It’s nothing short of an awesome fiesta!
Bloggiesta is a cleaning party for your blog!
Part of the challenge is to create a to-do list. Sometimes just setting goals sends you on your way toward accomplishing them. My to-do list for this session are:
Get rid of the archive section in the sidebar of my blogs.It is long and doesn’t really help readers find information. – Changed it to a dropdown menu with one click – that was easy!- Possibly
replace with a review archive page (remove old Cybils from 2011)
Wow, that small change almost got me into trouble. I found out my old WordPress theme wouldn’t let me change the navigation bar for some reason. When I tried to upgrade to the newest version of that theme, I lost the sidebar. After a frantic few moments, I changed to a better theme and everything is back. Whew!
Add a review policy to the About page.Really, I haven’t done this yet.
I enjoyed reading what others included in their review policies. I might have to tweak mine after a bit, but it feels good to have one in place. While I was there, I updated the entire About page.
Write and schedule at least five posts to get ahead for the busy upcoming weeksInvestigate Bloglovin’- Investigate copyright footers – unresolved
Do two of the mini-challenges
Have you checked out Alysia’s Post Brainstorming challenge? She has so many excellent ideas, I just can’t wait to get started putting some of them to use.
April’s favorite WordPress plugins is very helpful, too. I found out I could use a Collapsing Archive plugin instead of the dropdown archive I just created. Better Delete helps get rid of all those stored excessive drafts, as well. Several people have suggested Duplicate Post, which I use all the time for meme posts that have the same links and buttons each time.
Brittany’s Guide to GoodReads highlights her research into how people use Goodreads and points out some awesome and little-used features. I spent some time going through GoodReads after reading her post and trying out the features.
Read and comment on other participants Bloggiesta posts
See, setting goals was helpful already. I’m sure as I read through other people’s goals I will think of more things to add to the list.
If you’d like to try it, make your own to do list (great suggestions here) and sign up at the Bloggiesta Starting Line.
I’d love to hear from you if you decide to take the challenge, too.