A Book About Groundhogs, Just in Time for Groundhog Day

Groundhogs (Pebble Plus: North American Animals) by Chadwick Gillenwater is a perfect nonfiction picture book to pull out for Groundhog Day, coming up in two weeks on February 2. 

Filled with large color photographs, this book would work well for sharing in front of the class. Written at the K-1 reading level, it is also sure to entice beginning or struggling readers, who will learn about the range, life cycle and behavior of groundhogs. After all, who wouldn’t be interested in learning more about these cute, chubby animals?

Let’s check out more about Groundhog Day with a short story inspired by the book:

It is February 2, Groundhog Day.
People say that if Groundhog sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter.
Where is Groundhog?
He likes to hide.
Groundhog is in his burrow.
Can he see his shadow?
No, it’s dark in there.
Where is Groundhog?
He’s next to the big rock.
Can he see his shadow?
Not yet, he’s in the rock’s shadow.
Where is Groundhog?
He’s behind that tree.
Can he see his shadow?
Not yet, the tree is blocking the light.
Where is Groundhog?
He’s out standing in the meadow.
Can he see his shadow?
Yes, he can!
Back to the burrow, Groundhog, to sleep for six more weeks.

More books to read about Groundhog Day:

Groundhog Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) by Michelle Aki Becker

Groundhog Day! by Gail Gibbons

The Groundhog Day Book of Facts and Fun by Wendie C. Old and illustrated by Paige Billin-Frye

Groundhog Weather School by Joan Holub and illustrated by Kristin Sorra


Be sure to remember Groundhogs (Pebble Plus: North American Animals) by Chadwick Gillenwater

Reading level:  Ages 4-8
Library Binding: 24 pages
Publisher: Capstone Press (August 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1429686731
ISBN-13: 978-1429686730

See related science activities at Growing With Science.

Book provided by publisher for review purposes.


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