Into the Unknown: How Great Explorers Found Their Way by Land, Sea, and Air

Into the Unknown: How Great Explorers Found Their Way by Land, Sea, and Air by Stewart Ross and illustrated by Stephen Biesty is an ode to adventure and discovery that is full of unfolding cutaways and cross-section illustrations, sure to thrill visual and kinesthetic learners. It was a 2011 Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor winner and has been nominated for a Cybils award in the MG/YA nonfiction category

Stewart Ross say he loves history, and his passion shows. From the first Greek to sail to the Arctic circle, to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin’s trip to the moon, Ross follows fourteen great explorers in chronological order as they course into the unknown.

What really makes the book, however, are the absolutely fabulously detailed cutaway illustrations by Stephen Biesty. For a child or young adult interested in transportation, particularly ship building, the illustrations are gold mines of technical information. Also included are maps, including the dust jacket which unfolds into a world map showing where each of the explorers traveled. Very cool!

Students of history, science and engineering will find Into the Unknown a book to come back to again and again. Be sure to pair  it with a hands-on challenge to see how long a paper boat can float, or other related activities for kinesthetic learners.

Other reviews may be found at:

NC Teacher Stuff

The Book Chook

Great Kid Books

Reading level: Ages 8 and up
Hardcover: 96 pages
Publisher: Candlewick; Rei/Map edition (April 12, 2011)
ISBN-10: 0763649481
ISBN-13: 978-0763649487

Provided by the publisher for review purposes.

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