Answers to Children’s Author Trivia Volume 44

Seems like our visual clues stumped everyone.

1. This author started out as an English teacher who wrote adult mysteries on the side. When he started writing children’s books, however, they became so popular that he began writing full time. One of his books has been made into a movie. Do you know who he is?

(Photograph from Rick Riordan’s Press Kit page)

I am really surprised that no one recognized Rick Riordan because his books are so wildly popular.  According to his website, he has over 30 million copies of his book in print.

Rick Riordan started out writing the Tres Navarre mysteries for adults while he was teaching. His first children’s book, The Lightning Thief, was based on a bedtime story for his son. The popularity of that book launched the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Since then he has added the Kane Chronicles and the Heroes of Olympus books, as well as participated in The 39 Clues.

2.  Do you know who this impish author who loves to write about science is?

(Photograph from Fiona Bayrock’s Press Kit page)

I have to admit Fiona Bayrock has written one of my favorite children’s picture books, Bubble Homes and Fish Farts, but I didn’t think many people would recognize her.

Here’s what she has to say about herself:

Over the years, Fiona has chased questions through most of the “ologies”, talking to scientists around the world about all kinds of neat stuff, and then sharing what she finds with the most curious beings on the planet—kids. “Amazing science is all around us. Every day, I share the small part that appears in my magnifying glass.” she says. Her goal is to inspire kids to ask questions about their world, to have them make connections and create their own Eureka! moments by ‘checking stuff out’. Her writing is conversational in style and peppered with humour, wordplay, hands-on activities and simulations to make complicated concepts kid-friendly and easily understood.

Fiona lives with her family in rural Chilliwack, British Columbia.

Hopefully we’ll be seeing more books from her soon.

(Thanks to the authors for supplying photographs on their websites. Please go visit their websites, they are full of cool information.)


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