Sir Cumference Gets Decima’s Point

Another great “addition” to the upper elementary math adventure series,  Sir Cumference Gets Decima’s Point by Cindy Neuschwander and illustrated by Wayne Geehan.

Follow Decima the ogre baker as she figures out how to divide her deserts for more and more hungry diners. When she thinks she finally has enough, disaster happens. How will she provide equal portions to everyone who wants them?

Hidden in the story of baking antics is a solid background in decimals. The endnote explains how it works in more straightforward mathematical terms.

Books like these that mix fact and fiction can be hard to categorize, but can play an important role in helping children who struggle with certain math concepts. Looking at the problem from a different perspective may be just the ticket to the understanding train.

Sir Cumference Gets Decima’s Point deserves a “place” in any math library. Might be a good choice for young readers who enjoy imaginative stories, as well. Add a copy to your reading list today!


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Age Range: 7 – 10 years
Publisher: Charlesbridge (October 27, 2020)
ISBN-10: 1570918457
ISBN-13: 978-1570918452


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