It’s Women’s History Month, and what better way to celebrate than learning about groundbreaking women with Girls Research!: Amazing Tales of Female Scientists (Girls Rock!) (Girls Rock!) by Jennifer Phillips?
Sometimes it may seem like there were only a few significant women scientists in the past because the same names keep popping up. This book changes all that by giving brief overviews of the lives of 56 women scientists. That’s right, 56! Some are famous, some are lost in the annals of history, but all made important contributions to the field of science and medicine.
Especially useful is the timeline that records the decade in which the women performed their most historical research. The timeline runs from Maria Mitchell in the 1840s to Elena Aprile in the 2010s. Haven’t heard of Aprile? She’s an astrophysicist who is looking for evidence of dark matter in an underground laboratory in Italy.
Girls Research! is the perfect jumping off place to start a research project into women’s history. When children come to you with instructions that their report that must be from a book that is at least 100 pages long, hand them this 64 page book and let them figure out which stories make them want to learn more.
Perhaps the story to inspire them might be that of Barbara McClintock, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1983 for her discovery of jumping genes.
(Photograph: Barbara McClintock (1902-1992) Acc. 90-105 – Science Service, Records, 1920s-1970s, Smithsonian Institution Archives)
Girls Research!: Amazing Tales of Female Scientists (Girls Rock!) (Girls Rock!) by Jennifer Phillips.
Age Range: 9 – 13 years
Grade Level: 4 – 5
Lexile Measure: 900L (What’s this?)
Series: Girls Rock!
Library Binding: 64 pages
Publisher: Savvy (January 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 147654056X
ISBN-13: 978-1476540566
Looking for more books about women scientists?
Try our list of 21 Children’s Books about Women Scientists at Science Books for Kids.
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