#Cybils 2018: Accepting Children’s Book Nominations Soon

It’s an exciting time in the children’s book world because the Cybils Awards (Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards) will be accepting nominations soon, from Oct. 1, 2018 and Oct. 15, 2018.

Did you read any great children’s books this year (published between Oct. 16, 2017 and Oct. 15, 2018)? Pick your favorite per category and consider nominating it.

• Board Books (included in Fiction Picture Book category but judged separately)
• Early Chapter Books
• Easy Readers
• Elementary/Middle-Grade Nonfiction
• Elementary/Middle-Grade Graphic Novels
• Elementary/Middle-Grade Speculative Fiction
• Fiction Picture Books
• Middle Grade Fiction
• Poetry
• Junior/Senior High Nonfiction
• Young Adult Fiction
• Young Adult Graphic Novels
• Young Adult Speculative Fiction

See the FAQs for more information.

If you are looking for top notch children’s books, stop by and check out the nominations after they close. You won’t be disappointed!

On a personal note, I am a Round 1 judge this year in the Elementary/Middle Grade Nonfiction category, so I’ll get to read all the wonderful books that have been nominated. What a treat!

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